The Project
Creating an online Catalogue Raisonne
This project is the first coordinated effort to create an online catalogue raisonné referencing the work of German-French painter and lithographer Leo Marchutz.
Cataloging began in 2019 and is based on the artist’s inventories, journals, and personal archives. It also greatly benefits from the extensive research carried out by the artist’s son, Antony Marschutz, as well as that of François de Asis, French painter and long-time friend and confidant of Leo Marchutz. The catalogue raisonné will provide a comprehensive overview of the artist’s wide-ranging body of work and serve as a basis for future research.
Spearheaded by Ben Haggard and Denise Lemoine, this volunteer project welcomes the input and collaboration of all supporters, collectors, family members, and students of Leo Marchutz.

The Saint Victoire Mountain, 1966. Tempera on paper. 60 x 120 cm.
Preserving the artistic legacy of Leo Marchutz is the goal of the project for a catalogue raisonné, which we’re certain will bring heightened awareness to his life and work.
Preserving the artistic legacy of Leo Marchutz
is the goal of the project for a catalogue raisonné,
which we’re certain will bring heightened awareness
to his life and work.
— Antony Marschutz, Son of Leo Marchutz
Whys and wherefores of a catalogue raisonné
The project to create a catalogue raisonné of the work of painter and lithographer Leo Marchutz was launched in 2019. It was the first coordinated effort to research, locate, and digitally record information on the body of the artist’s work. But what exactly is a catalogue raisonné? What are its goals? How long can it take? And how can modern technologies assist in the documentation process?
What is a catalogue raisonné?
Each work is annotated with detailed information, including title and title variations, date, size, medium, history of ownership (provenance), as well as exhibition history, literary references, condition, signatures, markings, image(s), and related works…
What is the purpose of a catalogue raisonné?
– Provide the most complete and precise information on each work.
– Become a reference for art historians and researchers.
– Serve as a tool for museum curators and exhibit commissioners.
– Enable art-lovers, students, and collectors to familiarize themselves with the body of the artist’s work.
An online Tool
Digital technology assisting the documentation process
An online catalogue raisonné is an organic, living document. Unlike printed catalogs, it allows for continual and immediate updates of information. It can integrate audio, video, and interactive content, permits the storage of unlimited amounts of data and images, and offers a multitude of search possibilities. In addition, it allows for controlled and progressive access to the catalog for research or exhibition purposes.
For all these reasons, The Marchutz Catalogue Raisonné Project opted for an online catalog assisted by panOpticon, a cloud-based information management system specifically designed for catalogue raisonné research and data preservation.
The online research platform adheres to best practices as recommended by the The Catalogue Raisonné Scholars Association; it uses Categories for the Description of Works of Art as a standard for describing artwork, and The Chicago Manual of Style as a style guide. Its unique software greatly facilitates the entry of data according to these rigorous guidelines.
panOpticon hosts the online catalogs for over 90 artists, including Paul Cezanne, Mary Cassatt, Roy Lichtenstein, Sam Francis, Joaquín Torres-García, Fitz Henry Lane, and John Singer Sargent.
An Example: Cezanne's Catalogue Raisonné -
115 Years in the making
The complete online catalogue raisonné of Paul Cézanne went live on January 19th, 2019. But one could say that the story of its making began more than a century earlier, in 1904. Here is a short version of a story that puts into perspective the ongoing process of a catalogue raisonné.
Read the story

Pommes et biscuits, Paul Cézanne, 1879-1880.
(Musée de l’Orangerie, Paris)
The majority of Leo Marchutz’s artwork is in Aix-en-Provence. Numerous works are in museums, including the MET and the Louvre. A significant portion of his oeuvre, however, is dispersed in private collections around the world, many of which have not yet been identified.
Are you in possession of one of Leo Marchutz’s artworks?
If so, please contact us.
Donation and FUND-RAISING
The Leo Marchutz Catalogue Raisonné is a 100% volunteer project being undertaken by students, friends, family, and admirers of the artist Leo Marchutz. We rely solely on the involvement and enthusiasm of our supporters. Without their help, this project would have been nearly impossible. With it, we’ve been able to make progress that seemed unimaginable three years ago. We sincerely thank our many backers from around the world.
To see the list of our supporters or to make a donation, click on the link below.